28 Day Stronger At Home
$60 + hst
BIlling Information
Full Name
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Credit Card Number:
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Dynamically Updated
By completing this order form I agree, acknowlege and appreciate that I am doing so at my own risk. I am aware of my own health and physical condition, and having knowledge that my participation in any exercise and nutrition program may be injurious to my health, am voluntarily participating in physical activity with .
Having such knowledge, I hereby release Alissa Blais and Blais Performance , their representatives, agents, or successors from liability for accidental injury or illness which I may incur as a result or participating in the said physical activity. I hereby assume all risks connected therewith and consent to participate in said program.
I agree to disclose any physical limitations, disabilities, ailments, or impairments which may affect my ability to participate in said fitness program.

All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy...
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